Can You Upload an Eagleview Into Xactimate?

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Last Post 07/30/2013 ix:52 AM past Catmandale

Not alowed to become roof ESXs from 3rd parties?

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07/27/2013 five:50 PM

    am I understanding this correctly?

     Merely a few months ago I could buy an esx of a roof diagram from Pictometry, they email it to me, and and so I import information technology into Xactimate.

     Now I can't practise that anymore?  I can only do it if I get an assignment, like from the carrier, and and so I request the roof ESX from Eagleview and through Xactimate.

     So, for example, contractors can't go this anymore, and I couldn't lodge i for my ain house?  That is what Xactimate help line told me.

     I have a suspicion the help line doesn't really know what they are talking almost.

    Seems like everything is made so complicated and stupid. Technology gets harder to utilize, non easier. And I have money in my pocket to spend on the ESX and I would be willing to pay XM8 too to get that added to my system.

    Somebody tell me XM8 is wrong almost their own organisation and tell me what I need to do.

     Its just mind boggling they can have a simple caption with a box to click and just take people's money that they are willing to give.

    I call back XM8 is trying to promote their ain sketch over the photo yourself matter.

    Jud G.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Fellow member


    07/28/2013 8:27 PM

    There'south a couple of ways to do data transfer in older versions. Did they remove the information-transfer characteristic all together?



    07/29/2013 12:xix PM
    Posted Past Jud G. on 7/28/2013 viii:27:00 PM
    There'south a couple of ways to do information transfer in older versions. Did they remove the information-transfer feature all together?

    God, I promise not. Tin can anyone respond Jud's question? While we have managed to not "upgrade" thus far, I would hate to have to require our IA's to dual client during deployments, since many of them take already "upgraded". Sounds like that is exactly what will have to happen if the data transfer feature has been washed away with. world wide

    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member


    07/29/2013 2:19 PM

    Ok, I demand to explicate it better. Pictometry, which appears to ahve merged with Eagleview, will no longer transport an esx straight to your email. Y'all apparently need to have an business relationship with Pictometry/Eagleview, and pay extra to Xactimate to have the Eagleview module added to your system. Just like the mode you can add different valuation modules (commercial valuation, "walls in valuation" etc.) or XactContents, you can easily add the Eagleview module by going onto the complimentary conversation help line and go the customer service rep to activate it. They just tin't tell you what it will price you, you need to become that from the sales dept during regular working hours.

     Once you accept the Eagleview added and an account with Eagleview then you can receive an ESX file BUT ONLY THROUGH XACTANALYSIS and merely for assignments already sent to you past an insurance company or contractor connexion. You lot tin not only prepare your own judge and and then get an ESX sent to you.

    Mayhap its possible to send yourself an assignment? or get a friend to ship you one? But I was told you need to have an official consignment before you tin can receive a Eagleview/Pictometry ESX.

    Simply the easiest thing to do is just forget about Eagleview/Pictometry. I found some guys on Linkedin that exercise the same matter, and like whatsoever estimator/contractor/adjuster they just email you an ESX file to you in box simply similar Pictometry used to practise. They are very cheap/accurate/fast and I suggested yesterday that they advertise hither on Cado and now I see their advertising today. world wide

    Veteran Member
    Veteran Fellow member


    07/xxx/2013 half dozen:51 AM
    Posted By Leland on 7/29/2013 ii:nineteen:35 PM

    Ok, I need to explain information technology better. Pictometry, which appears to ahve merged with Eagleview, volition no longer send an esx straight to your email. Yous apparently need to have an account with Pictometry/Eagleview, and pay extra to Xactimate to have the Eagleview module added to your system. Just similar the way you can add different valuation modules (commercial valuation, "walls in valuation" etc.) or XactContents, you can hands add the Eagleview module by going onto the gratis chat assist line and go the customer service rep to activate information technology. They just can't tell yous what it will cost you, y'all demand to get that from the sales dept during regular working hours.

     In one case you have the Eagleview added and an business relationship with Eagleview then you lot tin receive an ESX file BUT ONLY THROUGH XACTANALYSIS and only for assignments already sent to you lot by an insurance visitor or contractor connection. Yous can not just set up your own estimate and then get an ESX sent to you.

    Possibly its possible to send yourself an consignment? or get a friend to send y'all one? But I was told you need to accept an official assignment before you can receive a Eagleview/Pictometry ESX.

    But the easiest thing to practise is just forget about Eagleview/Pictometry. I found some guys on Linkedin that practice the aforementioned thing, and similar any computer/contractor/adjuster they simply email you an ESX file to you in box just like Pictometry used to do. They are very cheap/accurate/fast and I suggested yesterday that they advertise here on Cado and at present I encounter their advertising today.


    Hey Leland,

    I also constitute those folks on my satellite grouping on LinkedIn and seem to be legit adept folks who back their product.

    My question to you, could what y'all are describing exist a back door fashion to shut down public adjusters and plaintiff attorneys who utilize XM8? I mean, what with the whole XM8 ISO thing and all.

    Information technology just kind of seems that XM8 is pushing the power play (for lack of a better term)

    "A adept leader leads..... ..... simply a smashing leader is followed !!"

    07/xxx/2013 9:52 AM

    Leland and Robby,

    I remember that it is a command result with XM8. Since XactAnalysis is a revenue stream, they certainly don't like people just sharing ESX files amid themselves and XM8 missing their cutting of the pie.

    I take but used Ridgetop a few times, but they are on top of their game, with quick turnaround and a solid product. They also added hail reports(which I have non ordered nonetheless.) I plan to make them a role of my toolbox for those files where it makes sense.


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