Should You Take Fat Off Corned Beef

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Quality corned beefiness is a staple food in Jewish, Irish, and Caribbean cuisines. The meat is cured with "corn," or big grains of table salt, and then deadening-cooked for several hours. Since corned beef comes from a tough cut of brisket, it needs to exist sliced up with care in society to make information technology tender. After letting the meat remainder, cut information technology into sparse slices across the grain to maximize its flavor.

  1. 1

    Cook the corned beef before cutting it. Stick a thermometer into the eye of the brisket to ensure its internal temperature is around 165 °F (74 °C), hot enough to melt the tough collagen in the meat. Cutting corned beef early causes it to lose its juices, so get out the brisket whole with all the fatty on it.[1]

    • At a minimum, cook the beef to 145 °F (63 °C) earlier cutting it. At that temperature, the beef is safe to eat, although cooking it slowly to a higher temperature makes it gustation meliorate.
  2. 2

    Rest the meat nether aluminum foil for 10 to 15 minutes. Move the corned beefiness to a cutting lath every bit shortly every bit it's done cooking. Encompass information technology loosely in foil to keep it warm while it rests. Waiting allows the meat to reabsorb the moisture inside of information technology, then you end upward with a juicier brisket and a cleaner cutting board.[2]

    • Remove the beef from heat sources, including hot liquids, to prevent information technology from overcooking.
    • This rest period is the perfect time to finish preparing vegetables or other components you lot plan on serving with the corned beef.


  3. 3

    Choose a abrupt knife to cut through the beef with ease. If you are able to, get a knife that is as long as the corned beef is broad. That way, you are able to cut the meat into whole slices instead of uneven chunks. A long meat carving knife is the best tool to take, peculiarly for large briskets. Acuminate your knife to ensure it cuts cleanly through the beef instead of tearing information technology.[3]

    • Use a meat fork to hold the beef in place while you lot slice it.
  4. 4

    Slice through the fatty to separate the cuts if y'all cooked a whole brisket. A whole brisket actually consists of 2 parts. A connective layer of fat separates these parts. Gently pull the beef autonomously with a meat fork to expose the fatty in the middle, then slide your knife horizontally between the brisket to separate the cuts.[iv]

    • The bigger portion is called the flat. It'due south leaner and has an even thickness.
    • The fattier office, called the point, is smaller and sits on top of the apartment.
    • Flat and point portions are frequently packaged and sold separately, so y'all do non need to go a whole brisket to enjoy good corned beefiness.
  5. 5

    Trim the fat cap off of the corned beef. Position the beef flat on the cutting board with the puffy, white fat face up upwardly. It may be a picayune browned from cooking, but information technology's still like shooting fish in a barrel to recognize. Pin the beef in identify with a meat fork, then slide the knife underneath the layer of fat. Cut horizontally along the beef to separate it from the fat.[5]

    • Leaving some fat, near 1 in (ii.v cm) or less, is fine. The fat adds flavor.
    • Removing the fat before cooking the beef is possible, simply the fatty helps seal wet and flavor in the meat.


  1. 1

    Flip the beefiness over and discover its grain pattern. Place the fatty side down if you left any on the outside portion of the corned beefiness. Look closely to come across which fashion the muscle fibers are oriented in the beefiness. They look similar parallel lines along its unabridged length.[half-dozen]

    • Flat and point portions accept dissimilar grain patterns, so always cut them separately.
    • The grain is not the same as grill marks. If you lot cooked the beef on a grill, ignore the grill marks and look for the lines formed by the musculus fibers within the meat.
  2. 2

    Plow the meat so you lot are able to cut across the grain. Your pocketknife needs to run perpendicular to the grain, not parallel to it. That fashion, you lot shorten the muscle fibers, making the corned beef much more tender. Long musculus fibers are potent and hard to chew.[7]

    • Briskets have long, tough muscle fibers considering they come from a weight-bearing part of the cow. Not cutting against the grain potentially ruins good corned beef.
  3. three

    Cut from the corner of the leaner end of the meat. The smaller, bacteria portion is easier to cut. Concord the corned beef in place with a meat fork, then piece of work your etching knife down into the meat. To cut through cleanly, motion your pocketknife dorsum and forth, almost similar you're operating a saw. Past doing this, you alternating bringing the knife's tip and opposite end in contact with the meat.[8]

    • Button the knife downwardly as you lot cut through the meat, gently shaving it into slices.
    • To make a big piece of beef more manageable, cutting information technology in one-half. As long every bit you cut information technology vertically across the grain, reducing its size before slicing information technology is rubber.
  4. 4

    Slice the rest of the brisket as thinly as possible against the grain. Piece the corned beefiness about oneeight  in (0.32 cm) thick, if possible. The thinner you are able to piece the beef, the easier information technology will exist to chew. Continue cutting across the grain, slicing the beefiness into roughly equal portions until you reach its other end.[9]

    • Thicker cuts require more chewing but are however fine to use. Some people fifty-fifty adopt their beef that style. Thicker cuts also serve nifty in recipes such as corned beef hash.
  5. 5

    Store leftover beef in the refrigerator for upwards to 4 days. To go on the beef safety to eat, motility information technology into the refrigerator within 2 hours of cooking information technology. Place it in resealable plastic bags or containers, labeling them as necessary. Alternatively, wrap the beef tightly in foil or plastic wrap to enjoy the leftovers within the adjacent few days.

    • To freeze beef, put it in a labeled, freezer-safe container. Freezing it will maintain its quality for upwardly to 3 months.
    • Spoiled corned beef looks slimy and has an unpleasant, rotten smell. Throw the beef abroad without tasting it if yous suspect is has gone bad.


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  • Question

    Someone cut my corned beef by fault after an hour of cooking! What do I do to salve it?

    Community Answer

    Re-cook information technology in the same water, if you can.

  • Question

    Does the grain run the length of the brisket?

    Brett Gilbert

    Brett Gilbert

    Top Answerer

    Yes, it volition run all the way across it, making it fairly easy to spot. For that same reason, cutting beyond the grain is necessary to shorten those fibers.

  • Question

    How I cut the saltiness from the corned beef

    Brett Gilbert

    Brett Gilbert

    Top Answerer

    Rinsing the corned beef helps. Put it in a pot of water, heat it to boiling, and then rinse the beef off under clean water. Practise it twice to eliminate more salt. Soaking the meat for upwards to 24 hours in common cold water or milk also helps. Alternatively, add other ingredients. For example, carbohydrate, cream, or alternative spices mask the salt. You can also add more vegetables.

  • Question

    How do I cut the meat to make corned beef hash?

    Community Answer

    Cutting 1 1/2-inch pieces of brisket when absurd. Cut the thicker slices into pocket-size cubes.

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  • Corned beef is traditionally sliced paper sparse when used in deli-way sandwiches. Thicker cuts are good when served with vegetables or in other dishes.

  • For dishes like corned beef hash, cutting the beef into cubes after slicing information technology.

  • Fat on the beefiness is edible. Depending on how you like your beef, leaving some of the fatty cap on is useful to give the meat a little extra flavor.

  • Be aware of the different grain directions in flat and point cuts of corned beef. If yous buy a whole brisket, you get both cuts and need to split up them earlier slicing them.

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  • Cut corned beefiness incorrectly makes information technology drier and tougher to chew. E'er let the meat rest, then cutting against the grain to make it as tender equally possible.


Things You'll Need

  • Corned beef brisket
  • Aluminum foil
  • Carving knife
  • Meat fork
  • Cut board

About This Article

Article Summary X

Earlier you cutting corned beef, cook it and let it residual under some aluminum foil for 10-15 minutes and so it'due south juicier when you cut it. Then, if you cooked a whole brisket, cut through the fat with a pocketknife to separate the beefiness into 2 cuts of meat. Side by side, cut off the thick cap of fat on the side of the meat, and flip the meat over to find the direction the grain runs in. Finally, cut the corned beef into thin slices, cutting confronting the grain of the meat. To learn how to store leftover corned beef, gyre downwardly!

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